Lasting Home Decluttering Techniques

Want to Get Organized?

Decluttering is an ongoing process but there are things you can do to ensure that your spaces remain organized for longer periods of time. We use the following techniques on every project to set up our clients up for lasting success:

Pull Everything Out – This is such a critical step and one we really encourage everyone to do for several reasons. First, if items are left in their current space, whether that’s a closet, a pantry or a drawer, it’s too easy to pass over something you don’t want to make a decision about. Once an item is out in the open, and you have to consciously decide to put it back, it may become obvious to you that you don’t really want it or need it. Second, if you can see everything you have, you may find you have duplicates or more than one item that serves the same purpose and you likely won’t need both. And lastly, if everything is pulled out, it makes creating an organized system for the items you are keeping easier to implement.

Sort Like With Like – Once everything is pulled out of a space, sorting like with like will help you jump start the decluttering process. For example, if your closet is bursting at the seams and you’re completely overwhelmed, creating categories such as sweaters with sweaters or jeans with jeans will allow you to break down the job into manageable pieces.

Create Subcategories – If you have a lot of possessions, sorting like with like is just the first step. Creating subcategories will help you pare down things even further. So if you’re working with your category of jeans, you could have subcategories such as blue, black and white and then skinny, classic and wide leg. This makes it so much easier to let go of things. It will become apparent that you have three pairs of skinny white jeans and you haven’t worn two of them in a year, so the one pair you have is sufficient and you can donate the other two. Done!

Divide Items Into Yes, No and Maybe – Ok, you pulled everything out, you sorted like with like and you made subcategories. Now it’s decision making time, aka the hard part. Some of your things will be definite “yes” and definite “no” and those will be easy. It’s the “maybe” group that will be challenging. On the first pass, don’t give it too much thought, just pop the things you’re not sure about into a pile and move on, you’ll come back to them in the end when everything else is sorted. Some questions to ask yourself when you get stuck are; do you have something similar that serves the same purpose? when was the last time you used the item? are you keeping it just because it was expensive? are you keeping it because you’re not sure about how to responsibly get rid of it? If you can think critically rather than emotionally about your stuff, it will make the process smoother.

Organize And Put Away The Things That Are Staying – Now that you’ve gone through the effort of decluttering, it’s time to put away the things you’re keeping in an organized and efficient manner so you won’t have to go through the process as often. If you don’t already have bins and containers, we don’t recommend spending a lot of money on them now; feel free to use boxes or other things you have around your home temporarily. Then put your things away and live with them for a bit to make sure you like the system you set up. After a while, if you think organizing products will keep things running smoothly, by all means, go ahead and get them. The goal is to keep your home running smoothly.

Bag Up Donations And Get Them Out Of Your Home – While this may seem like a simple step, we can’t tell you how often it ends up being a stumbling block. So often we find bags of clothes hidden in the back of the closets that just never made it out to the donation center causing unnecessary clutter. If you have pick-ups in your area, it’s a great solution if you’re pressed for time or don’t have access to sufficient transportation.

Recycle or Trash The Remaining Items – Much like donations, it’s key to deal with the recycling and trash in a timely fashion. The more stuff you can get out of your home quickly, the better you’re going to feel about the whole experience. Be sure that the items you set aside for recycling are accepted in your area. It feels horrible to throw things away, but “wish-cycling” can result in an entire truckload of recycling getting rejected at your recycling center. If you need some advice about how to get rid of household items, you can read more about it in our post, Can You Recycle That? How To Get Rid Of Household Waste.

Enjoy Your New Space – Take a minute to really look at your home and try to keep in mind how wonderful it feels when everything fits nicely in a space, you can find an item when you need it and you don’t have the stress of a chaotic home. If you consistently keep up with these decluttering techniques, you’ll be able to love your home all day every day!

Decluttering successfully is a serious endeavor and it can be more than one person can do on their own. If you’re in NYC or the Tri-State area, we’d be thrilled to get your home in order! Additionally, we partner with The Junkluggers, a green hauling company, so you can rest easy knowing that everything you get rid of will be disposed of as responsibly as possible. Contact us today!