Stressed About Moving? You’re Not Alone.

Co-founder Ann Lighfoot helping a client prepare for a move
Our Top Ten Favorite Moving Supplies Will Save The Day!
No question about it, moving can be stressful. It consistently ranks in the top three most stressful times in life along with death of a loved one and divorce. A move can take its toll physically, emotionally and mentally, and here at Done and Done, one of the best aspects of our job is helping our clients navigate this trying time.

Photo: Done and Done Home
Below, we’re sharing some of our favorite tools with you!
Stop! Before You Do Anything Else!
There is one thing that you simply must do before you pack a single box. You absolutely must declutter your belongings. If you want to have a successful, stress free move, this is non negotiable. Think we’re being bossy and acting like know-it-alls? We’ll take that criticism because we know, in the end, you’ll thank us. There is nothing worse than getting to your new home and opening boxes full of items you didn’t want but didn’t have time to deal with once the packing up stage began. For more information on decluttering, check out this post Tricks of the Trade: Save Money on Moving by Decluttering Ok, soap box speech is over…on to the good stuff!
Our Top Ten Favorite Moving Supplies
After completing hundreds of moves, we have the process down to a science. Some of our success comes through trial and error and creating systems that work well. But we have also found there are tools of the trade that can streamline even the most complicated moves. In no particular order, we present our top ten!!!!
Unless you have been successfully practicing minimalism for several years, you are going to have a lot to throw away. Extra large black garbage bags are the most efficient way to deal with trash as you move from room to room. These are not to be confused with…
We use clear garbage bags for anything that is being recycled or donated. This enables us to see, at a glance, what is trash and what needs to be moved to a different location.
Don’t skimp on the markers. You will definitely need more than you think, otherwise you will be running around trying to find the last box you marked. We recommend the sharpies so writing on boxes will be clear and visible and the ones that click back into themselves at the best so you don’t spend time looking for lost caps!
We love this product! Imagine packing up your dresser and all you have to do is move your stack of neatly folded t-shirts from your drawer to the tote. Then, on the other end, when you are moving into your new bedroom, you just have to take the same stack of still neatly folded shirts and pop them right back into the same drawer. No refolding, no forethought, no complications. (Assuming, of course, that you had decluttered this drawer before you packed it up…just saying.)
This is a game changer. Assign each family member a color so there is no confusion at your new space. For example, a box marked “office” can further be described by green tape if both you and husband have office supplies that need to go to separate rooms. If you are green and your husband is yellow, boxes can be more accurately distributed.
Another way colored tape can be useful is if you have boxes going to different locations. Red could denote anything going to storage and orange could be for boxes going to the summer house (we should all be so lucky!).
Obviously, you will use your box cutter more on the unpack than the pack up, but you will be surprised how often it will come in handy during the entire process.
Ok, this might seem like a strange one, but trust us on this. When nerves are frayed and tensions are high, the last thing you want is the packaging tape that screeches every single time you tape up a box. We love quiet tape because it doesn’t add to the chaos!

Photo: Done and Done Home
We love these almost as much as their giant cousins (see #4). They are perfect for keeping “like” items together. We use them in the bathroom for toiletries such as shampoo and lotions, make up and perfumes. Obviously fragile items must be further protected before being packed, but this system will allow you to unpack with ease because everything will already have been sorted. They are also useful in the kitchen for small appliances and gadgets that need to stay together and in the playroom for the multitude of tiny toys and various game pieces.
We cannot recommend these bins highly enough. Many of the items you will be storing in these bins; old year books, treasured mementos such as letters, diaries or certificates, and photos will need to be in waterproof containers. In addition, this type of bin will likely end in up in either a basement, an attic or a storage unit, and therefore, the lids need to remain tightly sealed. Many types of bins warp in heat or humidity and your treasured items may become lost due to animal and insect activity. Another reason we use these bins is because they are clear. If you cannot see what you have stored in bins that you only look at occasionally or seasonally, you will never know what is in them, and those possessions may never again see the light of day.
10.) Saran Wrap
Moving is stressful for adults, no doubt about it. But moving can also be extremely stressful for children. It can make them feel as if they don’t have control over anything, and that their precious belongings are going to an unknown place. Involving them in the packing up process can ease their worries, and showing them that their items are going to be cared for can be a huge reassurance.

Photo: Done and Done Home
So many children have large Lego projects that have taken them hours to put together. There are giant Death Stars or an expansive Statue of Liberty and a child may find the destruction of these masterpieces devastating. Enter Saran Wrap. We have had great success tightly wrapping Lego projects (in sections if necessary) with the Saran Wrap before placing them in additional bubble wrap or paper. Image your child’s face when they walk into their new room and the first thing they see is their perfectly reassembled Eiffel Tower! It is completely worth the extra effort!
Some Additional Words of Encouragement

Photo: Done and Done Home
While preparing for your move, keep in mind that this is a scientifically proven high stress
time in your life. Feeling overwhelmed is completely normal, so just try to be kind to yourself and those around you. Take breaks, eat healthy food and always, always stay hydrated. Before you know it, your move will be completed and you will be able to relax and get back into a routine.
We hope this list will help get you started on the supplies you need to make your move as stress free as possible! If you need more help with home orgnization and decluttering before a move, be sure to check out our course, here. If you have any questions, we’d be glad to help!
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