Make Your Bathroom Work For You
How would you like to get out the door in the morning looking your best in record time? What if the hardest part about getting ready for your big night out was choosing your playlist?
We realize nobody really wants to clean out their bathroom but we promise that a couple of hours invested today will keep you on top of things for months to come.
Although the bathroom is usually the smallest room in the home, its size has little to do with its importance. It’s a high-traffic area that’s difficult to keep clean and tidy. In order to make this small space work better for you, there are some simple things you can do.
The first step to organizing any room is to throw away or donate the items you are no longer using. The question is how to do this efficiently.
1. Group Like With Like
When organizing the bathroom, the easiest way is to spread a towel on the floor and empty the contents of the medicine cabinet and drawers onto it. Group like with like so you can see how many lipsticks you really have and then decide which ones to keep and which ones to toss. Repeat this process with all groups: cosmetics, shampoo, cough and cold remedies, and pain relievers.
While everything is out of the cabinets and drawers, wipe them clean.
2. Now Where Should I Put This Stuff?
Take a look at everything you’ve decided to keep and ask yourself if each item or group needs to be in the bathroom. Many things that end up in the medicine cabinet would be better off in the kitchen where there is more storage space (especially cold remedies and pain relievers). Consider putting all the duplicates in a basket and relocating them. Keep handy only the medicines you use daily or weekly.
Learn more about dealing with expired medicines, sunscreens and hygiene products in our post An Organized Medicine Cabinet.
3. Use Your Medicine Cabinet Wisely
Consider installing a large medicine chest with a mirror on the inside. If you have a little one above your sink this could make a huge difference in your morning routine.
The larger cabinet allows space for daily grooming items. The inside mirror eliminates that irritating practice of opening and closing the door in order to see your reflection.
Inside the cabinet, keep only the items in constant use and make sure there is easy access to everything. Put cotton balls, q-tips, toothbrushes, and other small tools in open jars or cups on the shelves.
Consider adding a magnetic strip on the inside of the door to hold tweezers, nail clippers, and scissors.
4. Baskets and Bins
Often times storage in bathrooms is hard to access. The area below the sink can be so deep and dark that things go missing and when there is a closet with shelves, they can be hard to keep tidy.
In order to make the whole bathroom function better, get a basket for each group. Keep the hair dryer with the brushes and the straightener. Use another bin for the cleaning supplies and paper towel. Place the toilet paper in another and keep it towards the front so guests can easily find a spare roll.
5. Think Vertically
Use the space above the toilet for an extra shelf or two. This is a great place to keep clean towels, extra containers, and decorative items to make your bathroom feel like your own personal spa.
Now that you’ve completed your bathroom organizing project why not treat yourself? Perhaps a small green plant to remind you of all your hard work and to keep you motivated. And now that your counters are clean and clear, maybe bring in a pretty candle and light it for your well-earned soak.
When it comes to beauty, Done and Done Home considers an organized bathroom to be the foundation of a high-functioning woman’s life, so go get started!
Need some help to get motivated and accountable? You need our Love Your Home Again course, check it out here!