Decluttering Guide By Home Size and Level of Clutter

Want to Get Organized?

Decluttering your home can be a time consuming endeavor, but exactly how much time do you need to plan for? The table below is a guide to our best estimates based on over a decade of working in hundreds of homes.

Days it will likely take to declutter by yourself Days it will likely take to declutter with a professional organizer
Studio/1 bedroom31
2 bedroom62
3 bedroom93
4+ bedrooms124

Of course, every home is different and the time it will take to declutter is dependent on the amount of stuff you have. The following question may give you an idea of where you stand.

If a friend or family member asked if they could drop by, what would your response be?

  • Sure! Stop by any time, I’d love to see you! Low Level
  • I’d love to see you but can you give me a heads up? I’ll need a few days to straighten up. Moderate Level
  • I’d love to see you but let’s meet for coffee! (No way no how could I have people in my home in it’s current state.) High Level

The chart above refers to a moderate amount of clutter that generally accumulates with busy family life or if you have stuff that you just can’t get a handle on. Every day we see how hard it can be to maintain order when items keep coming into your home but not enough goes out. (If you’re looking to declutter but don’t know where to start, check out our complete room by room decluttering list here!)

There are several explanations for why decluttering can take a surprisingly long time, the primary reason being that it’s hard to let go of our stuff! Whether an item is sentimental, you don’t know how to responsibly get rid of it, or because you spent good money on it, items in our homes tend to stick around.

No matter the level of clutter, low, moderate, or high, the process is the same –

1.) Choose an area that you can handle in a predetermined amount of time. If you only have a half an hour to work, don’t try to declutter your entire wardrobe. Instead, choose a shelf or section of your closet that you can focus on and complete so that when you have to stop, the situation isn’t worse than when you started.

2.) Pull everything out of the section you’re working in. It’s too easy to pass over items and avoid making hard decisions when you’re just moving things around. Once things are out and you can see what you actually have, you’ll be able to let go more easily. If decluttering your clothes seems like an impossible task, read The Stress Free Way To Declutter Your Closet. You’ll be shocked at how easy it can be!

3.) Create categories of Keep, Donate, Relocate, Recycle or Garbage. Once your items are sorted, put back what you’re keeping, move things that belong elsewhere and make sure you get the donate, recycle and trash out your home on the same day. Otherwise, you’re likely to have bags of items cluttering up your home for weeks to come.

4.) Repeat, repeat, repeat. Decluttering and organizing are processes and unfortunately, are never finished. The good news is that the more consistent you are, the less time it will take to keep your home looking and functioning at its highest level. No more worrying about your nosy neighbor dropping by unannounced 😉

Even with all the best advice, guides and lists sometimes decluttering your home is beyond your abilities or time constraints. If you’re in NYC or the tristate area, our experienced, top tier team can handle your situation in a third of the time it would take you to do it on your own. Contact us today to get a spot in our calendar!