For many of us, September is the busiest time of year. We are returning from our summer travels back to our normal routine, and kids are getting ready to go back to school. We are shopping for fall wardrobes, working longer hours, and faced with and endless list of to-do’s.
These time saving tips will help you start fresh this September so you can stay organized the rest of the year!
D&D TIP FOR KIDS:Â Children have an incredible amount of stuff that seems to spread all over the house. Homework assignments, forms to be signed, sports gear – the list is endless. Schools solve this problem by assigning each kid a cubby in their homeroom, and you can do the same at home! Assigning your child a dedicated weigh-station in your kitchen or foyer will allow them to store everything they need on a daily basis.
Install a small bin for important documents, forms, and homework, a hook for coats, scarves and hats, and a space on the bottom for their backpack. Everything stays out of the way, and they’ll never waste time in the morning trying to find what they need. While built-in cubbies are wonderful, there are also stand-alone options that you can fit into any foyer.
D&D TIP FOR YOU:Â Find 5 minutes every morning to sit with a cup of tea or coffee and look over your schedule. What are your upcoming appointments and obligations? Take note of everything you will need to bring with you to go about your day. Just 5 minutes of mental planning will give you a sense of calm and purpose when you start your day, so the panic of a busy life won’t let things slip through the cracks.
Have a wonderful September, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or projects!
Ann Lightfoot & Kate Pawlowski
PS. Feel like you need more help with organization? We can help with that, click here to find out how!