Your Wedding Registry: Go Radical

Your Wedding Registry: Go Radical

YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED!  First thing’s first: CELEBRATE! Whether a couple is scraping by in a studio apartment or well into a successful career, two people joining their lives – mismatched dishes and all – is a beautiful thing. Before the...
TIPS WE LOVE: Apartment Therapy on Impulse Buys

TIPS WE LOVE: Apartment Therapy on Impulse Buys

I want all the things. Ever noticed how the queue at Sephora is lined with delightful, bite-sized lotions, hand-held mirrors, blenders, blushes, and glosses? If they are pink and pretty and fit perfectly into the palm of our hands, it’s pretty much inevitable...
Donating in NYC: A Guide

Donating in NYC: A Guide

You are at the end of your Big Spring Clean, or you are packed up to move, or you were suddenly struck with the motivation to perform a life changing overhaul of your apartment. You’ve sifted through every item of clothing you own and you’ve rearranged...
What to Store and What Not To

What to Store and What Not To

Interviewed by By Katherine Gonzalez at MakeSpace  What services does Done and Done NYC offer? Done and Done NYC is an organizing company that specializes in moves and functional family spaces. We do everything...
5 Tips for Organizing Any Bathroom

5 Tips for Organizing Any Bathroom

Make Your Bathroom Work For You How would you like to get out the door in the morning looking your best in record time? What if the hardest part about getting ready for your big night out was choosing your playlist? We realize nobody really wants to clean out their...