A Shift in Thinking

The Year of Women 2018 certainly seems to be shaping up not just as The Year of the Woman, but more accurately as The Year of Women.  Across so many fields and industries, women have been speaking up not just for themselves but for each other.  We couldn’t be...
The Art of Keeping

The Art of Keeping

Our Mission Many people think our business is about helping people let go of unwanted or unneeded possessions. That is certainly one way to look at it. We love a good closet purge, and nothing feels as good as reaching into your closet to find the exact item you want...
Donating in NYC: A Guide

Donating in NYC: A Guide

You are at the end of your Big Spring Clean, or you are packed up to move, or you were suddenly struck with the motivation to perform a life changing overhaul of your apartment. You’ve sifted through every item of clothing you own and you’ve rearranged...